The Insights Collaboration 2024

What is the advisory board?

The Advisory Board came into existence in 1994 under the leadership of Jerry Thomas, founder and CEO of Decision Analyst in Arlington, TX, who was the Chair until 2007. It includes recognized leaders in marketing research from major corporations around the world. Board members represent a broad cross-section of businesses and organizations.
What is the purpose of the advisory board?
The purpose is to provide strategic guidance to the MSMR program and to bring real-world perspective and experience to the faculty and to the classroom. The Board, which now has 22 members, is projected to grow concomitantly with the student body. It is largely a roll-up-the-sleeves working Board, not an honorary club. Typically, about 60% of the Board is able to attend each of the two annual meetings (one in fall and one in spring). The term of office is two years. Most of the current members have opted to serve beyond their initial term.
Semi-annual advisory board meetings:

• Interaction with students in a favorite activity called “speed dating”.

• Listen to presentations by various Board members.

• Participation in formal and informal sessions to provide guidance to the program itself.

Advisory board contributions:
Advisory Board members are expected to contribute each year to the MSMR Sustaining Fund. These monies go to provide student scholarships, to pay for the activities of the Advisory Board itself (receptions, meetings, conferences), and to help support student recruiting efforts and the management of the program. Who is on the Advisory Board? To see a current list of advisory board members, please visit UTA’s MSMR website. Interested in becoming a board member?

” Research is creating new knowledge.” – Neil Armstrong


The MSMR is a practical, hands-on program designed to prepare students for careers in marketing research. Students learn how to meld logic with creativity, quantitative data with qualitative insights, and intelligence with intuition to solve marketing problems and create business opportunities. The program prepares students for business in the global economy by incorporating international examples wherever possible.